The item I purchased does not match the listing, what are my options?


If your item arrives and it doesn't match the listing in condition, brand, size, or authenticity, just let us know. You qualify for a full refund.

Please file a dispute/return request within 48 hours after your item is delivered with evidence of the discrepancies.

You'll need to file the dispute request within 48 hours of delivery

We cannot hold sellers accountable for any discrepancies to the item if you try to request a dispute after the 48-hour window expires. Once a dispute request is submitted, we hold the seller's earnings while we investigate the request. If a dispute request is not submitted within the 48 hour post delivery timeframe, the seller's sale proceeds are sent to them.

Here is how to file a dispute:

Login to your account and navigate to "Purchases". To report any discrepancies with an item we need you to submit a return request form. This can be done by going to the Purchases tab on your dashboard and clicking Submit Dispute next to the item you purchased. Even if you don't plan on returning the item, we still need you to report the discrepancies on this form since we handle an item's discrepancies through the Return Request / Dispute Form. 

Please note that disputes must be submitted within 48 hours after the item is delivered, so please submit the form as soon as possible. Once that period passes, we cannot hold the seller or anyone accountable for any item discrepancies and will proceed with completing the sale. This also ensures the payout is put on hold while we investigate the issue further.

How long does it take to finalize the dispute request?

Our team will review all evidence from the delivery team, seller, and buyer to reach a conclusion that’s fair to all parties. It typically takes seven to ten business days to finalize the dispute request.

For more information, review our money back guarantee page